Our Children

Fantastic OPAL News - We've had our audit!

14 June



We are extremely proud to tell you that our school was awarded Opal Platinum (the highest level of award possible) last Wednesday.  Our mentor visited us for a pre-audit (2 weeks before the real thing!) and said that we had achieved so well that she awarded us Platinum there and then!    

Your children now attend the first school in Ashford and only the second school in Kent to achieve Opal Platinum!

We couldn't be prouder of the children who showed our mentor how amazing their play is - how they work together, share, problem solve, challenge themselves, assess risk and play creatively.  


This is what our Opal Mentor, Cath Prisk, had to say about the audit:

"You are now amongst the best of the best schools for play in the UK, Europe and the world!"

You are also the first Ashford school to get Platinum and only the second in Kent! You definitely won’t be the last - you have already inspired many schools to come on board!


It was an absolute delight to see the playtime today, so many little moments like: 

  • The Year 6 boys playing in the mud kitchen with the reception girls, chatting with them and playing alongside.
  • The chats in the tunnel, hiding from the sun.
  • The children very very very carefully climbing over the top of the climbing frame.
  • The delight in somersaulting over the bars.
  • Every child being super clear on what Dynamic Risk Management means! Clearly saying ‘being sensible, helping my friends stay safe, checking what i am doing is safe enough’.
  • Not being able to spot the children with additional needs, and having them pointed out to see them playing happily alongside and with their peers.
  • The smiles from children your staff said didn't used to smile!
  • The gravel play in the bath! So cool.
  • The long, soft, clover filled grass!
  • The mini sandpits distributed across the site.
  • The dressing up and dancing!
  • The girl clearly articulating what she got from Play Assemblies and how much she enjoys them.
  • The careful moving of heavy planks and water by children.
  • The big tug of war game was amazing!
  • The complex language and thoughtful responses of children when asked to talk about their play - and the pride they have in THEIR playground.

Just as marvellous was seeing the delight and pride of the Playworkers - all of the play team told me about their training, described their roles and were able to articulate clearly how they have developed and, just as importantly, the impact this has had! Their training is clearly fantastic. They feel valued, in control and comfortable as sensible professionals in charge of one fifth of the school day should be.  They all said they love OPAL, love how much happier the children are and how much easier their job is! No more squabbles, big reduction in accidents and children going back to class ready to learn.

Huge huge well done to the OPAL Working Group, especially Nicki and Hayley. Nikki’s systems, clear thinking, detailed planning and record-keeping are an absolute gem. Hayley’s ability to train, lead and develop each of the play spaces, building, sourcing and inspiring, is invaluable. The children’s needs are clearly front and centre. This team should be cherished!

It couldn’t have happened without the leadership of you Jackie, protecting the resources, supporting the team, and championing this as a priority.

And finally, so much well done goes to Terry who was instrumental in setting up the foundations of OPAL, championing play across the site, building so much of the play features - or planning them. He is missed. 

Right now this is the end of the primary programme - and the start of being an OPAL school. Best of luck with the start of the next phase of the journey.


We are so, so proud of our children and of our play team.  
We couldn't have done it without all of the support of our families - THANK YOU.