Our Parents

Your Views

We consider the views of our children, parents and community as pivotal to the running of our school.  There are several ways to give us feedback and we are always interested in any comments, questions or concerns you may have.  

Speak to your child’s Teacher

Parents’ evenings are held three times a year – in Term 1, Term 3 and Term 5. However, informal meetings can be more effective.  We encourage parents of all of our pupils to keep in close contact with the school – it’s nearly always possible to speak with the class teacher for a moment or two before or after school, and a longer discussion can be arranged within a day or two. These meetings can be arranged if you have specific concerns or if you would like to know more about how to support your child.

Speak to your child’s Phase Leader

Your child’s Phase Leader looks after the children and staff in their phase. They oversee the quality of teaching and learning in the phase and they will be very happy to arrange a meeting with you should you wish to discuss any matters with them.

Pastoral and Inclusion (PINC) Team

Our Pastoral and Inclusion team consists of:

-          Louise Summers (Inclusion Leader)

-          Hannah Ferris (Safeguarding and Pastoral Director)

-          Katie Allen (SENCO Assistant)


Our PINC team are in school every day and their role is to work closely with children and parents to ensure that all of our children are happy and learning well. They are happy to talk through any questions or concerns that you may have; from packed lunch ideas, making home learning fun, bedtime routines, to discussing difficult issues with your child, learning needs, friendship issues or celebrating successes.

Speak to the Deputies or the Headteacher 

As well as speaking to the staff above, Mr Page and Mr Rawling are always happy to hear your comments and to discuss ways to support you and your child. All feedback will be dealt with sensitively and appropriately – your feedback is one of the ways that we can keep getting better and better.

If you are unable to meet face-to-face then you can always email or telephone the school – office@reptonmanor.kent.sch.uk, 01233 666307.

Put your views in writing

Every year in the Summer Term, we send out a short survey for parents to complete. The survey enables us to get an overall picture of our parents views and to include their wishes in our School Plan. The questions also relate to Ofsted inspection criteria and will be about teaching, learning, behaviour and safety, and leadership. There’s always space for you to express your views, too. The surveys can be returned anonymously, if you’d prefer.

Don’t wait until the annual survey, though! If you’ve got some feedback for us, we’d like to hear from you. You could send us an email or a short note.

Contact Ofsted

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about Repton Manor Primary School Primary. It asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted uses the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when. By sharing your views, you’ll be helping us to improve – we’ll aim to keep doing the things you praise and address any areas of concern. Please remember that if your feedback is specific to your own child, it might be better to contact someone at school so that we can respond quickly and specifically to help your child.

Make a complaint

Complaints are rare at Repton Manor Primary School. We have an open culture. Staff are nearly always available – it’s easy to have a quick chat with teachers or the Headteacher or Deputies, so most concerns or complaints are dealt with quickly. However, if parents feel that they need to make a formal complaint, it should be made in writing to the Headteacher. Our complaints procedure can be found in the policies section of the website.