Our Children

Opal Parent Playtime - October 2022

5 October

On 5th October 2022, we invited our parents in to experience an Opal playtime with their children.

We had lots of fun playing together.

Please see the photos below to see the different things that we enjoyed...

We asked our parents what they thought of Opal playtimes - the results speak for themselves! 

We are pleased that you enjoyed Opal as much as we do!

We asked our parents what they enjoyed most about Opal playtimes.  Please see the quotes below...

Seeing our children in their own habitat, they’re sooooo confident and free to play how, when and where they want.
Opal Parent Survey
Seeing all the wonderful extra experiences the children get to take part in and being part of it is great.
Opal Parent Survey
The wide variety of options which provide the opportunity for children to be creative or improve coordination and learn.
Opal Parent Survey
Child-led play and the freedom they have to explore.
Opal Parent Survey
Loved the mud kitchen!! The stage with music was great too, including the toy shed near the school gates.
Opal Parent Survey
Watching the kids doing what they love most, playing with different items.
Opal Parent Survey
Watching the children be children and play together.
Opal Parent Survey
So much choice for the children.
Opal Parent Survey
Having half an hour one on one time with each of my children. Precious time in a busy house! Seeing the smiles, laughing children having fun and being themselves.
Opal Parent Survey
That everything is child led, no one is being reprimanded for running or getting muddy etc.
Opal Parent Survey
Mud kitchen. Small world. The amount of freedom they have to explore is just so lovely.
Opal Parent Survey
Seeing my child so happy in their school environment, she was so pleased to show me around and tell me about her activities at playtime and to have a chance to play.
Opal Parent Survey
Seeing how much the children get out of it, learning while playing and using their imaginations.
Opal Parent Survey
Space, variety, surprised how calm it was and how good the children are with rules. Very well structured! Loved all the climbing frame and swinging canopies.
Opal Parent Survey